Dhuums Personal[PIMP]
Dhuums Personal[PIMP] is a high end PvE speedclear guild focusing mainly on the underworld, but also occasionaly runs other speedclear areas including FoW and DoA.
We are currently looking for more active, experienced, mature and dedicated speedclear players to join us to help the guild grow and progress. We are currently in the process of creating our guilds core teams to set speed records and any experienced players wishing to join and contribute to the core team will be greatly appreciated.
Vent is a must have, as we use it on ALL runs. A microphone isn't necissary but at least if you can hear us runs will run more smoothly.
We recruit anyone with a knowledge of 3+ roles in uwsc(at least 1 terra role is prefered), but as a sidenote we do not run practice runs, but the alliance on occasion holds practices.
We are part of the SMF alliance currently consisting of, SMF, MYTH, GOLD, WiTE, PvE and PIMP.
If you are interested in joining please PM one of the following:
Leader- F O R C A
Officers -
Mc Muffen
Spider Woman I
Cool Blooded Sin
The One Drop
Long The Mes
Malik Drachenbow
We look forward to playing with you!